Selection of peer reviewed scientific publications.


Gailloud P, Muster M, Piotin M, Mottu F, Murphy KJ, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA: In vitro models of intracranial arteriovenous fistulas for the evaluation of new endovascular treatment materials. American Journal of Neuroradiology (Am J Neuroradiol, AJNR) 20:291-295(1999)

Barath K, Cassot F, Rüfenacht DA, Fasel JHD: Anatomically shaped internal carotid artery aneurysm in-vitro model for flow analysis to evaluate stent effect. American Journal of Neuroradiology (Am J Neuroradiol, AJNR) 25:1750-1759(2004)

Juch H, Zimine I, Seghier ML, Lazeyras F, Fasel JHD: Anatomical variability of the lateral frontal lobe surface: implication for intersubject variability in language neuroimaging. NeuroImage 24:504-514(2005)

Fasel JHD, Beinemann J, Schaller K, Gailloud P: A critical inventory of preoperative skull replicas. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (Ann R Coll Surg Engl) 95/6:401-404(2013)

Fasel JHD, Beinemann J, Schaller K, Peitgen HO: Computer science tools for manual editing of computed tomographic images: impact on the quality of 3D printed models. Surgical Science (Surg Sci) 5:439-443(2014)

Fasel JHD: Printing gold in 3D: An anatomical accuracy analysis («Triple-A Study»). In-House Publisher, Geneva (Switzerland) 2015

Fasel JHD, Uldin T, Vaucher P, Beinemann J, Stimec B, Schaller K: Evaluating preoperative models: a methodological contribution. World Neurosurgery (World Neurosurg) 89:681-685(2016)

Fasel JHD: Hochpräziser menschlicher Schädel in Massivgold. Gold’Or 22/2:72-73(2017)

Fasel JHD, Knoepfli AS, San Millan D, Ramm R, Kühmstedt P: Quantitative evaluation of 3D printed anatomical objects: a comparison of optical surface scanning and micro-computed tomography. Journal of Biomedical Engineering (SM J Biomed Eng) 3:1021(2017)

Fasel JHD, Malis DD, Wiederer C, Hagenbuch N: 3D printing of anatomical models for surgeons: an investigation on repeatability. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (Int J Interact Des Manuf, IJIDeM), Springer Nature) 12:621-627(2018)


Fasel J: Erfolgsaussichten und Anwendbarkeit zytologischer Harnuntersuchungen in der Tumorvorsorge bei Phenacetinabusus. Inaugural-Dissertation, Medizinische Fakultät, Basel (1980)

Dalquen P, Fasel J, Mihatsch MJ, Rist M, Rutishauser G: Phenacetinabusus IV: Sind zytologische Harnuntersuchungen in der Tumorvorsorge bei Phenacetinabusern erfolgversprechend und anwendbar? Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 110:302-306(1980)

Morscher E, Gerber B, Fasel J: Surgical treatment of spondylolisthesis by bone grafting and direct stabilization of spondylolysis by means of a hook screw. Archives of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery 103:175-178(1984)

Fasel J, Dick W: Akzessorische Muskeln in der Regio retromalleolaris medialis. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie 122:835-837(1984)

Fasel J: Das Verhalten von Glykogen und Enzymaktivitäten des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels während der physiologischen Degeneration des Gaumenplattenepithels. Acta Histochemica 76:89-96(1985)

Hefti F, Dick W, Fasel J: Akzessorische Muskeln in der Retromalleolarregion als Ursache von Weichteilschwellungen. Orthopädische Praxis 21:729-733(1985)

Fasel J, Sieber R, Rohr HP: Laservision-disk and computer-assisted medical learning. Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine 9:15-16(1986)

Fasel J: Zum Austritt der Chorda tympani aus der Basis cranii externa. Acta Anatomica 126:205-207(1986)

Fasel J, Gross B: Plastination eines praxisorientierten Prostata-Präparats. Präparator 33:65-68(1987)

Fasel J, Marugg S, Augustiny N: Die Einführung der Plattenplastination in der Schweiz. Acta Anatomica 128:337-338(1987)

Fasel J, Kaissling B, Ludwig KS, Ryffel B, Mihatsch MJ: Light and electron microscopic changes in the kidney of Wistar rats following treatment with Cyclosporine A. Ultrastructural Pathology 11:435-448(1987)

Fasel J: Die elementare Anatomie des zukünftigen Allgemeinpraktikers. 1. Die Osteologie. Eine Pilotstudie. Allgemeinmedizin (Springer, Berlin) 16:131-135(1987)

Fasel J, Morscher E: A contribution to the anatomic basis of the transoral approach to the atlas and axis. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 10:15-20(1988)

Fasel J, Ludwig KS: Eine partiell verdoppelte Vena cava inferior. Klinische, makroskopische und embryologische Anatomie. Gegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch 134:143-153(1988)

Fasel J: Use of plastinated specimens in surgical education and clinical practice. Clinical Anatomy 1:197-203(1988)

Fasel J: Ein methodologischer Beitrag zur Reanimation der klinischen Makroskopie. Acta Anatomica 132:79-80(1988)

Fasel J, Mohler R, Lehmann B: A technical note for the improvement of the E12 technique. Journal of the International Society for Plastination 2:4-7(1988)

Fasel J: Vordere Zugänge zur Wirbelsäule. Habilitationsschrift, Medizinische Fakultät, Basel (1988)

Fasel J: Zum intraossären Verlauf der Chorda tympani. Anatomischer Anzeiger 168:433-435(1989)

Fasel J: Streifzug durch die Anatomie operativer Zugänge zur Wirbelsäule. Bulletin de la Société Fribourgeoise des Sciences Naturelles 78:56-65(1989)

Frei F, Lang F, Meier P, Fasel J: Krikothyreotomie mit dem Quicktrach-Koniotomie-Besteck. Anästhesie, Intensivtherapie und Notfallmedizin 25:44-49(1990)

Fasel J, Gerber B: Anatomische Grundlagen eines selektiven vorderen Zugangs zu C3. Anatomischer Anzeiger, Supplementum 166:325-326(1990)

Geiser J, Fasel J: Sportmedizin an den Schweizer Universitäten: Freiburg. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 38:37-38(1990)

Hefti F, Fasel J: Heilungsvorgänge beim vorderen Kreuzband. In: Jakob RP, Stäubli HU (Hrsg) Kniegelenk und Kreuzbänder. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1990

Hefti F, Kress A, Fasel J, Morscher E: Natural healing of the anterior cruciate ligament, an experimental study. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 73-A:373-383 (1991)

Fasel JHD: Anterior approaches to the vertebral column. Hogrefe & Huber, Lewiston/Toronto/Bern/Göttingen/Stuttgart 1991

Fasel JHD, Gerber B, Morscher E: Anatomical concept for a selective anteromedial approach to the third cervical vertebra. Clinical Anatomy 5:203-211(1992)

Fasel JHD, Augustiny N, Kuoni W: Zur Differentialdiagnose praescalenischer Weichteilschatten. Ein klinisch-anatomischer Beitrag. Aktuelle Radiologie 3:318-319(1993)

Fasel JHD: Anatomie – einmal ganz anders. Satyr, Zürich 1993

Fasel JHD: Sehr frei nach Kraus und Goethe: Qual des Anatomierens, Lust des Fabulierens. MEDUCS (Bulletin der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für medizinische Ausbildung) 4:10-12(1993)

Fasel JHD: Elementary anatomy for the future general practitioner. 2. The arteries. Medical Teacher 15:341-349(1993)

Fasel JHD: Die elementare Anatomie des zukünftigen Allgemeinpraktikers. 3: Das Ohr. Medizinische Ausbildung 10:64-73(1993)

Fasel JHD: Die elementare Anatomie des zukünftigen Allgemeinpraktikers. 4. Schleimbeutel und Sehnenscheiden. MEDUCS (Bulletin der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für medizinische Ausbildung) 6:3(1993)

Fasel J: Primary health care as a guideline for preclinical anatomy teaching. 5. The endocrine system. Clinical Anatomy 7:297-299(1994)

Fasel J, Gailloud P: L’anatomie? Gardez le sourire! Médecine et Hygiène 52:986-989(1994)

Fasel JHD: L’anatomie élémentaire du futur médecin généraliste. 6. Les organes génitaux féminins. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande 114:471-473(1994)

Fasel JHD: Die elementare Anatomie des zukünftigen Allgemeinarztes. 7. Das männliche Genitale. Hausarzt (Organ des Oesterreichischen Hausärzteverbands) 5:6-8(1994)

Fasel JHD: Anatomy. Tragic or comic muse? Postgraduate Medical Journal 70:939(1994)

Fasel JHD, Gailloud P, Terrier F: Three-dimensional reconstruction of a levator claviculae muscle. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 16:303-305(1994)

Fasel JHD: L’anatomie pour le futur médecin généraliste: un fil conducteur de l’enseignement prégradué. 8. Le système respiratoire. Bulletin de l’ Association des Anatomistes (de France) 78 :59-60(1994)

Kalra P, Beylot P, Gingins P, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Volino P, Hoffmeyer P, Fasel J, Terrier F: Topological modeling of human anatomy using medical data. In: Computer Animation (IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington/Brussels/Tokyo), 172-180(1995)

Fasel J, Eitel F: Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines praxisorientierten Curriculums. 9. Die Arthrologie. Unfallchirurg 98:587-591(1995)

Zuber C, Pittet B, Fasel J: Réparation des pertes de substance de la face: à propos de la région temporo-pariétale. Etudes vasculaire et morphologique des lambeaux. Médecine et Hygiène 53:2586-2588(1995)

Fasel JHD, Gailloud P, Grossholz M, Bidaut L, Probst P, Terrier F: Relationship between intrahepatic vessels and computer-generated hepatic scissurae: an in vitro assay. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 18:43-46(1996)

Fasel JHD: General medical practice as a guideline for preclinical anatomy teaching? 10. The veins. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 18:143-146(1996)

Carota A, Pizzolato GP, Gailloud P, Macchi G, Fasel J, Le Floch J, Cardone F: A panencephalopathic type of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with selective lesions of thalamic nuclei in two Swiss patients. Clinical Neuropathology 15:125-134(1996)

Narici MV, Binzoni T, Hiltbrand E, Fasel J, Terrier F, Cerretelli P: In vivo human gastrocnemius architecture with changing joint angle at rest and during graded isometric contraction. Journal of Physiology 496:287-297(1996)

Beylot P, Gingins P, Kalra P, Magnenat Thalmann N, Maurel W, Thalmann D, Fasel J: 3D interactive topological modeling using visible human dataset. Proc Eurographics 96, Computer Graphics Forum 15:C33-C44(1996)

Gingins P, Beylot P, Kalra P, Magnenat Thalmann N, Maurel W, Thalmann D, Fasel J: Modeling using the Visible Human Dataset. In Brender J, Christensen JP, Scherrer JR, McNair P: Medical Informatics Europe (IOS Press, Amsterdam/Tokyo/Washington), 34:739-743(1996)

Fasel JHD, Gailloud P, Terrier F, Mentha G, Sprumont P: Segmental anatomy of the liver: a review and a proposal for an international working nomenclature. European Radiology 6:834-837(1996)

Gailloud P, Fasel JHD, Muster M, Piotin M, Rüfenacht DA: Microsurgical anatomy of the jugular foramen. Journal of Neurosurgery 85:1193-1194(1996)

Fasel JHD: Primary health care as a guideline for undergraduate medical education. 11. The cranial nerves. Medizinische Ausbildung 13:136-139(1996)

Fasel JHD, Muster M, Gailloud P, Mentha G, Terrier F: Duplicated hepatic artery: radiologic and surgical implications. Acta Anatomica 157:164-168(1996)

Gingins P, Kalra P, Beylot P, Magnenat Thalmann N, Fasel J: Using VHD to build a comprehensive human model. Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings (CD ROM). Bethesda, USA (1996)

Gailloud P, Fasel JHD, Muster M, Desarzens F, Rüfenacht DA: Termination of the inferior petrosal sinus: an anatomical variant. Clinical Anatomy 10:92-96(1997)

Gailloud P, Pray JR, Muster M, Piotin M, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA: An in-vitro anatomic model of the human cerebral arteries with saccular arterial aneurysms. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 19:119-121(1997)

Fasel JHD, Heuss LT: Studienreform: Ein konkreter Vorschlag aus der sogenannten Vorklinik. Schweizerische Aerztezeitung 78:1059-1062(1997)

Selle D, Evertsz C, Peitgen HO, Jürgens H, Klose KJ, Fasel J: Computer aided preoperative planning of segment oriented liver surgery: radiological perspectives. In: Broelsch CE et al (eds) Proceedings of the European Congress for Liver Surgery. Monduzzi, Hamburg: 253-257(1997)

Fasel JHD, Heuss LT: Médecine générale et sciences de base: Une proposition pour la réforme des études médicales. Bulletin des Médecins Suisses 78:1182-1185(1997)

Gailloud P, Fasel JHD, Muster M, de Tribolet N, Rüfenacht D: A case in favor of aneurysmographic studies: a perforating artery originating from the dome of a basilar tip aneurysm. American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) 18:1691-1694(1997)

Fasel JHD, Gingins P, Kalra P, Thalmann N, Baur C, Cuttat JF, Muster M, Gailloud PG: The liver of the “visible man”. Clinical Anatomy 10:389-393(1997)

Fasel JHD, Selle D, Evertsz CJG, Terrier F, Peitgen HO, Gailloud P: Segmental anatomy of the liver: Poor correlation with CT imaging. Radiology 206:151-156(1998)

Gailloud P, Khan HG, Khaw N, Rüfenacht DA, Fasel JHD: The supra-isthmic anastomotic arch: a potential pitfall in Doppler sonography of the thyroid gland. American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR) 170:497-498(1998)

Fasel JHD: Teaching in gross anatomy for medical undergraduates: General practice as a guideline? A synopsis. Journal of Anatomy 192:305-306(1998)

Martin JB, Gailloud P, Sugiu K, Khan HG, Spadola L, Piotin M, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA: In-vitro models of human carotid atheromatous disease. In: Henry M, Amor M: 9th International Course Book of Peripheral Vascular Intervention: 541-546 (Europa Edition, Paris 1998)

Fasel JHD, Gailloud P, Vu NV: A core anatomy program for medical undergraduates. Academic Medecine 73:585-586(1998)

Fasel JHD, Favre H, Graber P: Elementare Anatomie in der allgemeinmedizinischen Praxis. 13. Die Harnorgane. Medizinische Ausbildung (Thieme, Stuttgart / New York) 15:79-82(1998)

Gailloud P, Martin JB, Muster M, Khan HG, Pilleul F, Théron J, Guimaraens L, Rüfenacht DA, Fasel JHD: Angiographic anatomy of the craniocervical arterial system. In: Henry M, Amor M, Théron J, Roubin GS: Carotid angioplasty and stenting: 55-72 (Europa Edition, Paris 1998)

Gailloud P, Martin JB, Muster M, Guimaraens L, Théron J, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA: Importance of collateral circulation assessment before endovascular treatment of occlusive craniocervical arterial disease. In: Henry M, Amor M, Théron J, Roubin GS: Carotid angioplasty and stenting: 115-120 (Europa Edition, Paris 1998)

Bidaut LM, Laurent C, Piotin M, Gailloud P, Muster M, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA, Terrier F: Second-generation three-dimensional reconstruction for rotational three-dimensional angiography. Academic Radiology 5:836-849(1998)

San Millan Ruiz D, Gailloud P, Miquel Miquel MA de, Muster M, Dolenc VV, Rüfenacht DA, Fasel JHD: Laterocavernous sinus: Anatomical Record 254:7-12(1999)

Fasel JHD: Die elementare Anatomie des zukünftigen Allgemeinpraktikers. 12. Die Hirnhäute. MEDUCS (Bulletin der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für medizinische Ausbildung) 11:29-32(1999)

Fasel JHD: Anatomie – einmal ganz anders. Schweizerische Aerztezeitung 80:149-150(1999)

Peitgen HO, Selle D, Fasel JHD, Klose KJ, Jürgens H, Evertsz CJG: Von der Potentialtheorie zu neuen radiologischen Werkzeugen. In Dress A, Jäger G (Hrsg): Visualisierung in Mathematik, Technik und Kunst. Vieweg, Braunschweig:91-107(1999)

Fasel JHD, Bader C, Gailloud P: Anatomy teaching for medical undergraduates: General practice as a guideline? 14. The brain. Clinical Anatomy 12:115-119(1999)

Fasel JHD: Ausbildungsziel “Allgemeinmedizin”: Die Rolle der Anatomie, am Beispiel des Lymphsystems. Swiss Medical Weekly, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 129:753-759(1999)

San Millan Ruiz D, Burkhardt K, Jean B, Muster M, Martin JB, Bouvier J, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA, Kurt AM: Pathology findings with acrylic implants. Bone 25:85S-90S(1999)

Fasel JHD: Anatomie – einmal ganz anders. 2. Auflage. Satyr, Zürich 1999

Fasel JHD: Segmental anatomy of the liver in spiral CT. In: Terrier F, Grossholz M, Becker CD (eds): Spiral CT of the abdomen: 65-71. Springer, Berlin 1999

Gailloud P, San Millan Ruiz D, Muster M, Murphy KJ, Rüfenacht DA, Fasel JHD: Angiographic anatomy of the laterocavernous sinus. American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) 21:1923-1929(2000)

Selle D, Spindler W, Schenk A, Oldhafer KJ, Galanski M, Fasel JHD, Klose KJ, Peitgen HO: Computer aided preoperative planning and risk analysis in liver surgery. Diagnostic Imaging Europe:16-20(2000)

Gailloud P, Muster M, Khaw N, Martin JB, Murphy KJ, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA: Anatomic relationship between arachnoid granulations in the transverse sinus and the termination of the vein of Labbé: an angiographic study. Neuroradiology 43:139-143(2001)

Groscurth P, Eggli P, Kapfhammer J, Hornung JP, Rager G, Fasel J: Die Rolle der makroskopischen Anatomie in der chirurgischen Weiter- und Fortbildung. Schweizerische Aerztezeitung 82:791-792(2001)

Dulguerov P, Leuchter I, Szalay-Quinodoz I, Allal AS, Marchal F, Lehmann W, Fasel JHD: Endoscopic neck dissection in human cadavers. Laryngoscope 111:2135-2139(2001)

Groscurth P, Eggli P, Kapfhammer J, Hornung JP, Rager G, Fasel J: Gross anatomy in the surgical curriculum in Switzerland: Improved cadaver preservation, anatomical models and course development. Anatomical Record (New Anatomist) 265:254-256(2001)

San Millan Ruiz D, Gailloud P, Fasel JHD: The petrosquamosal venous channel. Letter. American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) 23:739-740 (2002)

Gailloud P, Albayram S, Fasel JHD, Beauchamp NJ, Murphy KJ: Angiographic and embryologic considerations in five cases of middle cerebral artery fenestration. American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) 23:585-587(2002)

San Millan Ruiz D, Gailloud P, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA: Angiographic anatomy of the intracranial arterial circulation. In: Amor M, Bergeron P, Mathias K, Raithel D (eds): Carotid artery angioplasty and stenting: 41-59 (Minerva Medica, Turin 2002)

Bianchi S, Martinoli C, Peiris Waser N, Bianchi-Zamorani MP, Federici E, Fasel J: Central aponeurosis tears of the rectus femoris: sonographic findings. Skeletal Radiology 31:581-586(2002)

Gailloud P, Albayram S, Heck VD, Murphy KJ, Fasel JHD: Superior bronchial artery arising from the left common artery: embryology and clinical considerations. Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology 13:851-853(2002)

San Millan Ruiz D, Gailloud P, Rüfenacht DA, Delavelle J, Henry F, Fasel JHD: The craniocervical venous system in relation to cerebral venous drainage. American Journal of Neuroradiology 23:1500-1508(2002)

Majno PE, Mentha G, Morel Ph, Le Coultre C, Oberholzer J, Toso C, Borisch B, Fasel J: Left lobe splitting and full right – full left splitting. Study of the portal anatomy on corrosion casts and on autopsy livers. Transplantation Proceedings 34:769-770(2002)

Majno PE, Mentha G, Morel Ph, Segalin A, Azoulay D, Oberholzer J, Le Coultre C, Fasel J: Arantius’ ligament approach to the left hepatic vein and to the common trunk. Journal of the American College of Surgeon 195:737-739 (2002)

Barath K, Martin JB, Fasel JHD, Tokunaga K, Szikora I, Martos J, Nyary I, Rüfenacht DA: Percutaneous vertebroplasty: methods, indications, results (Hungarian). Orvosi Hetilap 143:2469-2477 (2002)

Binzoni T, Bianchi S, Fasel JHD, Bounameaux H, Hiltbrand E, Delpy D: Human tibia bone marrow blood perfusion by non-invasive near infrared spectroscopy: A new tool for studies on microgravity. Journal of Gravitational Physiology 9:P183-184(2002)

San Millan Ruiz D, Fasel JHD, Reverdin A, Gailloud P: Bilateral tentorial sinus drainage of the basal vein (of Rosenthal). Clinical Anatomy 16:264-268(2003)

Hahn HK, Evertsz CJG. Peitgen HO, Fasel JHD: Fractal properties, segment anatomy, and interdependence of the human portal vein and the hepatic vein in 3D. Fractals 11:53-62(2003)

Gailloud P, Carota A, Bogousslavsky J, Fasel J: Histoire de l’anatomie du thalamus, de l’antiquité à la fin du XIXème siècle. Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 154:49-58(2003)

Bianchi S, Martinoli C, Montet X, Fasel JHD: Hand- und Handwurzel-Ultraschall (Wrist and hand ultrasound). Radiologe 43:831-840 (2003)

Cosson M, Boukerrou M, Lacaze S, Lambaudie E, Fasel J, Mesdagh H, Lobry P, Ego A: A study of pelvic ligament strength. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 109:80-87(2003)

Binzoni T, Leung T, Hollis V, Bianchi S, Fasel JHD, Bounameaux H, Hiltbrand E, Delpy D: Human tibia bone marrow: defining a model for the study of haemodynamics as a funtion o f age by near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science 22:211-218(2003)

Bianchi S, Keller A, Fasel J, Garcia J: CT and CT arthrography of the shoulder. In: Davies AM, Hodler J (eds) Imaging of the shoulder. Techniques and applications. Springer, Berlin 2003

San Millan Ruiz D, Fasel JHD, Rüfenacht DA, Gailloud P: The sphenoparietal sinus of Breschet: Does it exist? An anatomic study. American Journal of Neuroradiology AJNR 25:112-120(2004)

Gonzalez F, Fasel JHD: Art et Médecine. Méditorial 3:13(2004)

Gailloud P, Clatterbuck RE, Fasel JHD, Tamargo RJ, Murphy KJ: Segmental agenesis of the internal carotid artery distal to the posterior communicating artery leading to the definition of a new embryologic segment. American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) 25:1189-1193(2004)

Fasel JHD et mult al: L’avenir, ce sont les étudiant(e)s! Information/med 9:1-4(2004)

Bianchi S, Montet X, Martinoli C, Bonvin F, Fasel JHD: High-resolution sonography of compressive neuropathies of the wrist. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 32:451-461(2004)

Majno P, Loubeyre P, Mentha G, Morel P, Becker C, Fasel JHD: Segmental anatomy of the liver. In: Lencioni R, Cioni D, Bartolozzi C (eds) Focal liver lesions. Springer, Berlin 2005

Fasel JHD, Morel P, Gailloud P: A survival strategy for anatomy. Lancet 365:754(2005)

Barath K, Cassot F, Fasel JHD, Ohta M, Rüfenacht DA: Influence of stent properties on the alteration of cerebral intra-aneurysmal haemodynamics: flow quantification in elastic sidewall aneurysm models. Neurological Research 27:S120-S128(2005)

Montet X, Eberlin JL, Bianchi S, Fasel JHD: Assessment of intra-articular volume of the wrist: a comparative study between CT-arthrography and dissection. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 27:444-449(2005)

Boukerrou M, Lambaudie E, Collinet P, Rubod C, Boulanger L, Dubois P, Fasel J, Cosson M: Objective analysis of mechanical resistance of tension-free devices. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 124:240-245(2006)

Duthon VB, Barea C, Abrassart S, Fasel JHD, Fritschy D, Ménétrey J: Anatomy of the anterior cruciate ligament. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 14:204-213(2006)

San Millán Ruíz D, Gailloud P, Rüfenacht DA, Yilmaz H, Fasel JHD: Anomalous intracranial drainage of the nasal mucosa: a vein of the foramen coecum? American Journal of Neuroradiology(AJNR) 27:129-131(2006)

Pittet B, Mahajan AL, Alizadeh N, Schlaudraff KU, Fasel JHD, Montandon D: The free serratus anterior flap and its cutaneous component for reconstruction of the face: a series of 27 cases. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 117:1277-1288(2006)

Siclari F, Fasel JHD, Gailloud P: Direct emergence of the dorsospinal artery from the aorta and spinal cord blood supply. Neuroradiology 48:412-414(2006)

San Millán Ruíz D, Fasel J, D, Gailloud P: Drainage pathways in the middle cranial fossa Letter. European Journal of Radiology 60:40-41(2006)

Kós MI, Feigl G, Anderhuber F, Wall C, Fasel JHD, Guyot JP: Transcanal approach to the singular nerve. Otology and Neurotology 27:542-546(2006)

Fritschy D, Fasel J, Imbert JC, Bianchi S, Verdonk R, Wirth CJ: The popliteal cyst. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 14:623-628(2006)

Dembé JC, Fasel JHD: L’enseignement de l’anatomie à Yaoundé. Revue Médicale Suisse 2:S25-26(2006)

San Millán Ruíz D, Gailloud P, Yilmaz H, Perren H, Rathgeb JP, Rüfenacht DA, Fasel JHD: The petrosquamosal sinus in humans. Journal of Anatomy 209:711-720(2006)

Fasel JHD: Anatomie – einmal ganz anders. 3. Auflage. Satyr, Zürich 2006

Fasel JHD, Bourquain H, Peitgen HO, Majno PE: Macroscopic anatomy of the liver. In: Rodés J et al (eds) Textbook of hepatology: from basic science to clinical practice. 3rd ed. Vol I, pp 3-8. Blackwell, Oxford 2007

Feigl G, Anderhuber F, Fasel JHD, Likar R: Die Bedeutung der Fascia stylopharyngea bei intraoralen Blockade-Techniken. Schmerz 21:28-33(2007)

Fasel JHD, Dembé JC, Majno PE: Fascia: a pragmatic overview for surgeons. American Surgeon 73:451-453(2007)

Feigl G, Anderhuber F, Schwarz G, Dorn C, Fasel JHD, Likar R: Trainingsmethode für Regionalanästhesisten. Evaluierung und Vergleich. Anaesthesist 56:437-443(2007)

Buchs NC, Frossard JL, Rosset A, Chilcott M, Koutny-Fong P, Chassot G, Fasel JHD, Poletti PA, Becker CD, Mentha G, Bühler L, Morel P: Vascular invasion in pancreatic cancer. Evaluation of endoscopic ultrasonography, computed tomography, ultrasonography, and angiography. Swiss Medical Weekly 137:286-291(2007)

Siclari F, Burger IM, Fasel JHD, Gailloud P: Developmental anatomy of the distal vertebral artery in relationship to variants of the posterior and lateral spinal arterial systems. American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) 28:1185-1190(2007)

San Millán Ruíz D, Oka M, Fasel JHD, Clatterbuck R, Gailloud P, Murphy K: Transvenous embolization of a dural arteriovenous fistula of the laterocavernous sinus through the pterygoid plexus. Neuroradiology 49:665-668(2007)

Pont MP, Assal M, Stern R, Fasel JHD: Cutaneous sensory nerve injury during surgical approaches to the foot and ankle: a cadaveric anatomic study. Foot and Ankle Surgery 13:182-188(2007)

Noger M, Berli MC, Fasel JHD, Hoffmeyer PJ: The risk of injury to neurovascular structures from distal locking screws of the Unreamed Humeral Nail (UHN): a cadaveric study. Injury 38:954-957(2007)

Buchs NC, Dembé JC, Robert-Yap J, Roche B, Fasel JHD: Optimizing electrode implantation in sacral nerve stimulation – an anatomical cadaver study controlled by a laparoscopic camera. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 23:85-91(2008)     

Benkhadra M, Lenfant F, Nemetz W, Anderhuber F, Feigl G, Fasel JHD: Comparison of two emergency cricothyroidotomy kits. Anesthesia and Analgesia 106/1:182-185(2008)

Fasel JHD: Portal venous territories within the human liver: an anatomical reappraisal. Anatomical Record 291/6:636-642(2008)

Feigl G, Kós I, Anderhuber F, Guyot PH, Fasel JHD: Development of surgical skill with singular neurectomy using human cadaveric temporal bones. Annals of Anatomy 190/4:316-323(2008)

Stimec BV, Milisavljevic M, Malikovic A, Fasel JHD: Omental Morgagni-Larrey hernia: an anatomical pictorial essay. Clinical Anatomy 21:587-591(2008)

Fasel JHD: Teaching clinical anatomy: a Swiss compromise. eLetter. Brit Med J (BMJ) 337:a1310 (23.09.2008)

Hagen ME, Wagner OJ, Swain P, Pugin F, Buchs N, Caddedu M, Jamidar P, Fasel J, Morel P: Hybrid natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: an experimental surgical study in human cadavers. Endoscopy 40:918-924(2008)

Spena G, Fasel J, de Tribolet N, Radovanovic I: Subfrontal endoscopic fenestration of lamina terminalis: an anatomical study. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 51:319-323(2008)

Feigl G, Benkhadra M, Lenfant F, Trouilloud P, Anderhuber F, Bonniaud P, Fasel JHD, Nemetz W: Bronchoscopy and cricothyrotomy: results from cadavers embalmed with Thiel’s method compared to to other embalming methods and living subjects. Acta Medico-Biotechnica 1:25-36(2008)

Fonck E, Feigl G, Fasel J, Sage D, Unser M, Rüfenacht DA, Stergiopoulos N: Effect of aging on elastin functionality in human cerebral arteries. Stroke 40:2552-2556(2009)

Hagen ME, Wagner OJ, Swain PC, Pugin F, Patel A, Inan I, Pugin F, Fasel J, Morel P: Transrectal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery for umbilical hernia repair in a human cadaver. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 69:e53-e54(2009)

Benkhadra M, Savoldelli G, Fournier R, Gamulin Z, Clergue F, Trouilloud P, Feigl G, Fasel JHD: A new anatomical technique to investigate nerves by imagery. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 31:221-224(2009)

Balaphas A, Fasel J, Perrelet J: Histoire de l’anatomie à Genève (Historiotomie). Journal du 450ème anniversaire de l’Université de Genève, Suisse 1:56-59(2009)

Unno Veith F, Gérard R, Fasel J, Assal M: The effect of ankle collateral ligaments release on dorsiflexion stiffness: an anatomical study. Swiss Medical Weekly Supplementum 173 (ad 139):25S,FM99(2009)

Feigl GC, Fasel JH, Anderhuber F, Ulz H, Rienmüller R, Guyot JP, Kos IM: Superior vestibular neurectomy: a novel transmeatal approach for a denervation of the superior and lateral semicircular canals. Otol Neurotol 30/5:586-591(2009)

Stimec BV, Draskic M, Fasel JHD: Cadaver procurement for anatomy teaching: legislative challenges in a transition-related environment. Med Sci Law 50:45-49(2010)

Myers PO, Fasel JHD, Kalangos A, Gailloud P: Arteria lusoria: developmental anatomy, clinical, radiological and surgical aspects. Ann Cardiol Angéiol 59:147-154(2010)

Arbatli H, Cikirikcioglu M, Pektok E, Walpoth B, Fasel J, Kalangos A, Bruszewski W, Numan F: Dynamic human cadaver model for testing the feasibility of new endovascular techniques and tools. Ann Vasc Surg 24:419-422(2010)

Hagen ME, Wagner OJ, Inan I, Morel P, Fasel J, Jacobsen G, Spivack A, Thompson K, Wong B, Fischer L, Talamini M, Horgan S: Robotic single-incision transabdominal and transvaginal surgery: initial experience with intersecting robotic arms. Int J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg 6:251-255(2010)

Fasel JHD, Majno PE, Peitgen HO: Liver segments: an anatomical rationale for explaining inconsistencies with Couinaud’s 8-segment concept. Surg Radiol Anat 32:761-765(2010)

Kather J, Hagen ME, Morel P, Fasel J, Markar S, Schueler M: Robotic hip arthroscopy in human anatomy. Int J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg 6:301-305(2010)

Kostaki M, Pham XC, Toutous-Trellu L, Piguet V, Kaya G, Fasel JHD, Stimec BV, Becker M, Salomon D: Kaposi’s sarcoma after repeated surgical procedures in an immunocompetent patient: the lymphatic hypothesis. Dermatology 221:313-316(2010)

Stimec BV, Terraz S, Fasel JHD: Celiac axis as upper origin of ascending left colic artery – an unusual MDCT finding. Letter. J Vasc Interv Radiol 21:1913-1914(2010)

Clay JC, Rubod C, Brieu M, Boukerrou M, Fasel J, Cosson M: Biomechanical properties of prolapsed vaginal tissue: impact on genital prolapse surgery. Int Urogynecol J 21:1535-1538(2010)

 Hagen ME, Pugin F, Bucher P, Fasel J, Markar S, Morel P: Robotic kidney implantation for kidney transplantation: initial experience. J Robotic Surg 4:271-276(2010)

Cikirikcioglu M, Cherian S, Stimec B, Theologou T, Myers P, Fasel J, Kalangos A: Morphologic and angiographic analysis to assess the safety of biodegradable mitral annuloplasty ring. J Heart Valve Dis 20:199-204(2011)

Stimec BV, Terraz S, Fasel JHD: The third time is the charm – anastomosis between the celiac trunk and the left colic artery. Clin Anat 24:258-261(2011)

Spasojevic M, Stimec BV, Fasel J, Terraz S, Ignjatovic D: 3D relations between right colon arteries and the superior mesenteric vein: a preliminary study with multidetector computed tomography. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 25:1883-1886(2011)

Aaken Jv, Zhu J, Fasel JHD, Beaulieu JY: Investigation of radialization and rerouting of the extensor digiti minimi (EDM) in the abduction deformity of the little finger: a cadaver study. Hand (American Association for Hand Surgery) 6:202-205(2011)

Gérard R, Unno-Veith F, Fasel J, Stern R, Assal M: The effect of collateral ligament release on ankle dorsiflexion: an anatomical study. Foot and Ankle Surgery 17:193-196(2011)

Kalangos A, Cikirikcioglu M, Cherian S, Stimec B, Jashari R, Fasel J: Mitral valve replacement using a mitral homograft. Multimedia Manual of Cardiothoracic Surgery (MMCTS)2011

Fasel JHD: Aufklärer gegen Aufklärung. Leserbrief. Swiss Medical Forum (SMF) 12/7:161(2012)

San Millan Ruiz D, Fasel JHD, Gailloud P: Unilateral hypoplasia of the rostral end of the superior sagittal sinus. AJNR (American Journal of Neuroradiology) 33:286-291(2012)

Stimec BV, Lädermann A, Wohlwend A, Fasel JHD: Medial coracoclavicular ligament revisited: an anatomic study and review of the literature. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 132/8:1071-1075(2012)

Stimec BV, Grønvold LAB, Ignjatovic D, Fasel JHD: Gastric varices without portal hypertension: role of left inferior vena cava? Belgian Journal of Radiology (JBR – BTR) 95:302-305 (2012)

Kiil S, Stimec BV, Spasojevic M, Fasel JHD, Ignjatovic D: 3D for D3: role of imaging for right colectomy in a case with congenital superior mesenteric vein aneurysm and co-existing anomalous irrigation. Chirurgia 108(2):256-258(2013)

Laedermann A, Gueorguiev B, Stimec B, Fasel JHD, Rothstock S, Hoffmeyer P: Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction: a comparative biomechanical study of three techniques. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (J Shoulder Elb Surg) 22:171-178(2013)

Stimec BV, Ignjatovic D, Fasel JHD: Left inferior vena cava – a novel associate (or related) finding. Letter. Clinical Anatomy (Clin Anat) 26:921(2013)

Fasel JHD, Schenk A: Concepts for liver segment classification: neither old ones nor new ones, but a comprehensive one. Journal of Clinical Imaging Science (J Clin Imaging Sci) 3:48(1-7)(2013)

Assal M, Ray A, Fasel JHD, Stern R: A modified posteromedial approach combined with extensile anterior for the treatment of complex tibial pilon fractures (AO/OTA 43-C). J Orthop Trauma (Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma) 28/6:e138-e145(2014)

Fasel JHD, Mentha G, De Maeseneer J: Teaching clinical anatomy: from general practice to state-of-the-art surgery. Eur J Anat (European Journal of Anatomy) 18:49-54(2014)

Majno P, Mentha G, Toso C, Morel P, Peitgen HO, Fasel JHD: Anatomy of the liver: An outline with three levels of complexity. A further step towards tailored territorial liver resections. J Hepatol (Journal of Hepatology) 60:654-662(2014). Editorial by Bismuth H: A new look on liver anatomy: needs and means to go beyond the Couinaud scheme. 60:480-481(2014)

Gailloud P, Ponti A, Gregg L, Pardo CA, Fasel JHD: Focal compression of the upper left thoracic intersegmental arteries as a potential cause of spinal cord ischemia. American Journal of Neuroradiology (Am J Neuroradiol, AJNR) 35:1226-1231(2014)

Lädermann A, Stimec BV, Denard PJ, Cunningham G, Collin P, Fasel JHD: Injury to the axillary nerve after reverse shoulder arthroplasty: an anatomical study. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res (Orthopaedics and Traumatology – Surgery and Research, formerly Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique) 100:105-108(2014)

Gautschi OP, Smoll NR, Kotowski M, Schatlo B, Tosic M, Stimec B, Fasel J, Schaller K, Bijlenga P: Non-assisted versus neuro-navigated and XperCT-guided external ventricular catheter placement: a comparative cadaver study. Acta Neurochir (Acta Neurochirurgica) 156:777-785(2014)

Chen L, Elias G, Yostos MP, Stimec B, Fasel J, Murphy K: Pathways of cerebrospinal fluid outflow: a deeper understanding of resorption. Neuroradiology 57:139-147(2015)

Stimec BV, Fasel JHD, Ignatovic D: 3D reconstruction of a primary aortoenteric fistula – centerline calculation and measurements. Current Medical Imaging Reviews 11:127-131(2015)

Schouman T, Rouch P, Imholz B, Fasel J, Courvoisier D, Scolozzi P: Accuracy evaluation of CAD/CAM generated splints in orthognatic surgey: a cadaveric study. Head & Face Medicine 11, article 24:1-9 (2015)

Laedermann A, Gueorguiev B, Charbonnier C, Stimec BV, Fasel JHD, Zderic I, Hagen J, Walch G: Scapular notching on kinematic simulated range of motion after reverse shoulder arthroplasty is not the result of impingement in adduction. Medicine (Baltimore) 94/38:e1615(2015)

Fasel JHD, Aguiar D, Kiss-Bodolay D, Montet X, Kalangos A, Stimec BV, Ratib O: Adapting anatomy teaching to surgical trends: a combination of classical dissection, medical imaging, and 3D-printing technologies. Surg Radiol Anat (Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy) 38:361-367(2016)

Fasel JHD: Geneva road map for clinical anatomy teaching (letter). J Anat (Journal of Anatomy) 229:710(2016)

Dubois-Ferrière V, Gamulin A, Chowdhary A, Fasel J, Stern R, Assal M: Syndesmosis reduction by computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery with navigation: feasibility and accuracy in a cadaveric study. Injury (International Journal of the care of the injured) 47:2694-2699(2016)

Staszewicz W, Assalino M, Tobalem M, Morel P, Fasel JHD, Stimec BV, Tobalem M: Repair of large abdominal wall defects using total anterior aponeurotic flap: Anatomical feasibility study and comparison with Ramirez’s technique. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open) 4:e1153:1-5(2016)

Jaegersberg M, Brodard J, Oiu J, Mansouri A, Doglietto F, Gentili F, Kucharzcyk W, Fasel J, Schaller K, Radovanovic I: Quantification of working volumes, exposure, and target-specific maneuverability of the pterional craniotomy and its minimally invasive variants. World Neurosurgery 101:710-717(2017)

Ronos ACh (Fasel JHD): Die Ketzerei zum Tage. Bd I. Verlag TwentySix, Norderstedt, Deutschland, 2017

Fasel JHD: Human liver territories: think beyond the 8-segments scheme. Clinical Anatomy (Clin Anat) 30:974-977(2017)

Mégevand P, Woodtli A, Yulzari A, Cosgrove GR, Momjian S, Stimec BV, Corniola MV, Fasel JHD:  Surgical training for the implantation of neocortical microelectrode arrays using a formaldehyde-fixed human cadaver model. J Vis Exp (JoVE; Journal of Visualized Experiments) 129, e56584, doi: 10.3791/56584 (2017)

Stimec BV, Rakocevic Z, Ignjatovic D, Fasel JHD: Planimetric correlation between the submandibular glands and the pancreas: a postmortem ductographic study. Anat Sci Int 93:114-118(2018)

Bartoli A, Fasel JHD, Schaller K, Jägersberg M: Endoscopic transcranial duraplasty for rhinoliquorrhea: a cadaveric study. Operative Neurosurgery (Oxford University Press) 14:188-193(2018)

Stimec BV, Dash J, Assal M, Stern R, Fasel JHD: Additional muscular slip of the flexor digitorum longus muscle to the fifth toe. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 40:533-535 (2018)

Stimec BV, Anderssen BT, Benz SR, Fasel JHD, Augestad KM, Ignjatovic D: Retromesenteric course of the middle colic artery. Challenges and pitfalls in D3 right colectomy for cancer. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 33:771-777(2018)

Fasel JHD: A plea for clinically oriented anatomy (letter). Clinical Anatomy 31:1199(2018)

Fasel JHD: Heart-Breaking Love. Grafix, Fribourg (Switzerland) 2018.

Luzon JA, Andersen BT, Stimec BV, Fasel JHD, Bakka AO, Kazaryan AM, Ignjatovic D: Implementation of 3D printed superior mesenteric vascular models for surgical planning and/or navigation in right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy: comparison of virtual and physical models to the anatomy found at surgery. Surgical Endoscopy (Surg Endosc) 33:567-575(2019)